In the fall, we often feel tired, low energy, and sleepy. Such manifestations can be a sign of vitamin deficiency, which is a common cause of health problems during this period. We will tell you how to fight this unpleasant phenomenon and which ingredients in cosmetics can help your skin to normalize.

Avitaminosis – a painful condition that has its own characteristic signs and develops as a result of prolonged unbalanced diet, in which the body does not get the necessary vitamins.

How does avitaminosis affect my skin and hair?

If you notice split ends in your hair, brittle nails and flaky skin, you probably have a vitamin and mineral deficiency. So why does it occur? The intake of nutrients from food plays an important role. Modern diet with its semi-finished products, fast food and unrefined cereals, and fast unhealthy snacks significantly affects our condition. Another cause of vitamin deficiency can be digestive disorders, as well as long-term use of drugs that block the action of vitamins (such as antibiotics).

Avitaminosis often has a negative impact on appearance, so if the skin becomes dull, dry, inflammation appears on the face, you need to urgently “feed” it. Lack of vitamins A, C and E leads to acne, so you should include in your daily diet products that contain these vitamins.

With a lack of vitamins comes early aging, and can develop serious diseases. Vitamin B2 deficiency promotes increased sebum secretion, the appearance of spider veins and redness. And a lack of vitamin E contributes to the formation of stretch marks on the skin.

The role of vitamins in cosmetics

Vitamins are considered one of the most effective ingredients in cosmetic products. Where can they be found? They can be all kinds of serums, lotions, masks, creams and gels. The most popular vitamins that are added to cosmetics are F, H, C, A, E, B3, B5. They all have a variety of effects on the skin, such as reducing wrinkles, brightening age spots, reducing inflammation and protection from UV damage. Some of the vitamins help to reduce age spots and scars, prevent photoaging and moisturize dry skin.

We take a closer look at some of the vitamins:

  • Vitamin H

This vitamin is better known as biotin, often referred to as the “beauty vitamin. It helps to keep our skin and hair healthy and youthful appearance because it participates in the synthesis of fats and carbohydrates, with its help the body forms collagen.

  • Vitamin F

It is necessary for the growth and maintenance of healthy skin and nails. If there is a lack of this vitamin, the skin becomes dry and rough. This vitamin allows the skin to be in a soft and firm state at the same time. Another beneficial effect of vitamin F is to maintain the skin’s protective function. If you have enough of this vitamin in your body, your skin is great at retaining moisture and keeping toxins out. And when you are deficient in vitamin F, your skin becomes lifeless and dry, your nails become brittle, and your hair becomes dull.

  • Vitamin C

AKA ascorbic acid, a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C restores cells of the epidermis, boosts immunity, and fights free radicals. It is extremely useful because it promotes the production of collagen, which helps to slow down aging and prevent the formation of wrinkles. With a lack of vitamin C, vascular stars and dark circles under the eyes can appear on the face. In general, the complexion becomes worse.

  • Vitamin A

He is also known to us retinol. It has a unique property: it fights free radicals, thus making the skin firmer. If there is enough vitamin A in the body, facial skin looks fresh, radiant and taut. If it is deficient, wrinkles, acne, and dry skin become a major problem.

  • Vitamin B3

Also known as niacinamide, it is an active ingredient for skin renewal at the cellular level. It provides skin elasticity, helps to lighten pigmentation and gives the skin a radiant, rested appearance by stimulating the production of collagen, ceramides and lipids.

  • Vitamin B5 (D-panthenol)

Vitamin B5 is responsible for the carbohydrate-protein-fat metabolism. It moisturizes and soothes the skin, relieves irritation and itching, has a strong rejuvenating and smoothing effect. It also makes the skin soft, supple and reduces redness and flaking.

In the composition of cosmetics you can most often find both complex vitamins and their individual types. But if you face serious vitamin deficiency, you should definitely consult a specialist to develop a course of action. And for the overall maintenance of good skin condition during the off-season, all you need to do is pay attention to your diet and daily skin care.

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